NCC Gives MTN Two Months Extension To Pay $3.9bn Fine

MTN Nigeria has been given a two months extension window to settle with the Nigerian authorities over its $3.9 billion fine imposed on it by the Nigerian Communication Commission (NCC) in 2015. This followed the adjournment of the case to 18 March 2016 by a Federal High Court in Lagos‚ on Friday over the $3.9 [...]

Mark zuckerberg to build iron man inspired AI assistant

If you were feeling pleased with your New Year's Resolutions, you may want to stop reading now. Forget going to the gym more, saving money or quitting smoking -- they all pale in the face of Mark Zuckerberg's recently announced plans to build his own AI 'butler'. Writing on his personal Facebook page, Zuckerberg described [...]

CES 2015: the trends and technologies to look out for

It's already time to kick off the new tech year in style at the the International Consumer Electronics Show, which is being held in Las Vegas this week. It might seem brutally soon after the holiday, but innovation waits for no man, so brace yourselves for an onslaught of new tech over the coming days. [...]

Google’s vision for the future of design

Google's Matias Duarte has a problem. In the next ten years he wants to replace the computer on your desk and the phone in your pocket with a smart, continuous mesh of information. But to do that, he's got to fundamentally change how everyone interacts with technology. "I see what we're doing now in this [...]

This is the next generation of Google Glass

Google has revealed the next generation of its Google Glass head-mounted display. The Enterprise Edition of the glasses has been rumoured for some time, but has now been confirmed in a filling with the US Federal Communications Commission (FCC). While the original Google Glass was aimed at consumers, the Enterprise Edition is designed for use [...]

There’s now a games console for dogs

CleverPet is a games console for dogs. Because, as its creators explain, dogs need entertaining too. "Most of us would never leave a family member at home all day and ask them to sleep the whole time," explains CleverPet co-founder Leo Trottier during a startup pitch session at CES 2016. Of the dozen or so [...]

WIRED Awake: 10 must-read articles for 6 January

1. Apple reduces iPhone order from suppliers Apple has reduced the number of iPhones that it's ordered from its Chinese suppliers, according to information obtained by the Wall Street Journal (The Verge). Sources say that Apple has cut its sales forecasts for the iPhone and adjusted its hardware order accordingly. Foxconn, which makes the majority [...]

Nigeria rejects online degrees, warns students against virtual schools

The National Universities Commission, NUC, on Thursday called on Nigerians to stop patronising online universities and other degree awarding institutions operating online. Speaking at a press conference, the NUC’s Public Relations officer, Ibrahim Yakasai, said that degrees obtained online are not accepted in the country. “Nigeria will not recognize online degrees. Online degrees are not [...]

A search engine for the internet of (insecure) things

The things that people attach to the Internet are "absolutely astounding": think ATM machines, bank safes, and control systems for power plants.

Malvertising – the hidden threat

In past issues of this newsletter, we have reported about this hidden scourge, malvertising (see Definition), a practice where cybercriminals inject malicious advertisements into legitimate online advertising networks. We are reporting about it again because in the past year malvertising campaigns have increased by 325 percent. To build support, cybercriminals will launch legitimate ads on [...]