The Internet of Things wants to make your coffee too

Silver Flat White aeroccino

What makes a good cup of coffee? Is it the kind of beans used, or how they’re roasted? Is it where it’s from, how it’s made, how ethical it is? Or is it the ability to commence the whole process using your mobile phone?

The last point doesn’t rise far up the list of priorities for most people, but that hasn’t stopped Nespresso, who have announced the launch of their first smartphone connected coffee machine.

Designed to “suit increasingly connected lifestyles”, the Nespresso Prodigio will allow you to prepare your coffee via your smartphone and even get notifications when the capsule container is full, if your coffee supply is running low, or you need to top up the water tank. So if you’re too lazy to get out of bed and wait for the kettle to boil, this is the coffee machine for you.

The Prodigio uses Bluetooth to connect with an app — which Nespresso describes as “renowned” — which allows users to choose from a selection of coffees and brewing techniques. The app also allows you to order new supplies while you’re at it.

The product is an attempt, according to Nespresso’s managing director Francisco Noguiera, to “showcase the latest coffee technology” and “listen to the consumer need for greater convenience and personalisation of products”. And it’s not the only product trying to tap into the consumer need for convenience — other products have jumped on the Internet of Things bandwagon.

Last year WIRED collected our favourite products on this theme, including the Wi-Fi enabled Smarter coffee machine. But there are more emerging all the time; Amazon and Brita recently teamed up to make a ‘smart water pitcher’. No, you are not reading that wrong: the two companies have created a “Wi-Fi connected Brita pitcher”. The pitcher can track how much water is currently in the device, how much has flowed through it and when a filter needs to be changed. And, like the Prodigio, it will even re-order a filter for you.

And even more good news for lazy coffee fans — London cafe chain Grind has just released an app that allows customers to pre-order their drinks via an app. “In just three taps,” the app promises, “your morning coffee fix will be ordered and paid for, ready for you to collect at your nearest Grind. No need to queue of even take your wallet out of your pocket”.

If you want to get your hands on a Prodigio, they’re available to order from 1 March and are priced at £159. The Brita Smart Water Pitcher is available on Amazon for $44 (£31).

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